App Number D/483/2015
App Date ?/?/2015
Location 75 Gooch St Thornbury
Description Construct a medium density development comprising of four (4) double storey dwellings as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
1. The proposal fails to comply with the desired future character of the area through the absence of meaningful landscaping opportunities throughout the site, and a dominance of car storage facilities. The policy objectives of Clause 22.02 of the Darebin Planning Scheme are not met.
2. The proposal fails to comply with a number of standards and/or objectives of clause 55 of the Darebin planning scheme including:
a) clause 55.02-1 (neighbourhood character) – see ground 1 above.
b) clause 55.02-2 (residential policy) – the development intensity is not in keeping with neighbourhood character and local conditions.
c) clause 55.03-3 (site coverage) – site coverage is excessive and does not provide an appropriate balance of building footprint to open space ratio commensurate with surrounding land.
d) Clause 55.03-8 (Landscaping) – insufficient open areas are available on the site for the purpose of planting canopy trees.
e) Clause 55.03-9 (access) – the number and design of the proposed four (4) vehicle cross overs fails to respect the preferred neighbourhood character.
f) Clause 55.04-1 (side and rear setbacks) – the development’s set backs form the side and rear boundaries and continuous built form will create visual bulk impacts on the adjoining properties.
g) Clause 55.04-3 (daylight to existing windows) – the development fails to provide adequate daylight to existing habitable room windows.
h) Clause 55.05-2 (Dwelling entry) – the entries fails to provide an adequate sense of address.
i) clause 55.05-4 (private open space) – tthe secluded private open space proposed fails to provide for the reasonable recreational needs of residents.
j) clause 55.05-6 (storage) – storage areas are inadequate for user needs.
3, The proposal fails to comply with Clause 52.06 (Car parking) of the Darebin Planning Scheme and does not provide the required number of car spaces under Clause 52.06-5 (number of car parking spaces required under table 1).
Date Issued 18 APR 2016