Full Details Here: d_334_2016-644-gilbert-road-reservoir-vic-3073
Number D/334/2016
Date 27/04/2016
Location 644 Gilbert Road RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description Construct a medium density housing development comprising three (3) double storey dwellings as shown on the plans accompanying the application
Officer Andrew Guthrie
Type Medium Density Housing
land size 502 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO professional planning pty ltd
Summary replace family home with 2x 2 bed + 1x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 3 bed (U1), 2 bed (U2, U3)
GND: KML (U1, U2, U3)
P: tandem driveway + garage (U1), carport (U2-3)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 2 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 2 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed bed dwelling
requires 4 spaces in total, and plans show 4 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) Remove any objections from the proforma that do not specifically apply
(3) Add you own unique objections. Keep them general and brief.
(4) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (above) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/334/2016 644 Gilbert Road RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely