I am writing to warn of impending Baillieu Government Planning legislation to remove the right of the public to be consulted about development in their community. I hope you will distribute this information to your local community members.
In March 2012, the Minister for Planning told a development community lunch that Code Assess legislation would be introduced this financial year. The announcement was reported in the Herald Sun and in The Age newspaper.
For communities, Code Assess is frightening. They can come home from work to find their neighbour’s house knocked down to be replaced by a high rise development. As long as the Code Assess standards are met, local residents have no right to be given any notice, they cannot object to Council and they have no rights to appeal to VCAT.
Looking at each block of land without reference to a broader vision is a threat to the fine grain of the neighbourhood generated by our historic built environment. What is at stake here is the very liveability of Melbourne.
A fast track planning process for developers could add additional burdens to already struggling social and community infrastructure like roads, schools, public transport and health services.
I am particularly concerned that the Minister is about to introduce legislation without any consultation in circumstances where the Government controls both houses of parliament. This means there may be limited opportunity to scrutinise and consult on the legislation prior to it being rammed through the Parliament.
I urge you to contact your members and ask them if they want to contribute to the campaign to stop this attack on the rights of Victorians. More information and a campaign petition can be found by visiting http://www.springst.com.au/
As the legislation has already been drafted and could be introduced any day now I ask that this issue is given your urgent attention.
It is important to ensure that the community is fully aware of what is being proposed, so if there are any issues that you wish to discuss or any concerns you have, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Tee MP
Shadow Minister for Planning & Sustainable Growth
Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region
128 Ayr St, Doncaster VIC 3108
Ph: (03) 9850 8600
Fax: (03) 9850 8611